To find the weekly content inside of Lightgliders:
Open the side-bar menu on the right and click on "This Week" to view the weekly faith content and activities.
To keep up with the weekly content without logging in to Lightgliders:
Check out the Monthly Calendar, which lays out the weekly theme, Bible verse, and daily schedule of in-game events. Each week's theme includes a Bible-based lesson, reflection questions, and activities to encourage faith and fun! The calendar is a great way to stay in-the-know on what is being taught inside of Lightgliders throughout the year!
Another great way to keep up with the content inside of Lightgliders is to view the weekly email that is sent out every Monday morning to the account manager's email address. This is a great way for families and groups to see what topic is being discussed that week, know where to find the topic in the Bible, and have reflection questions to prompt meaningful conversations!