How to Play Lightgliders

  • How do we get started playing Lightgliders?

    Need to create an account? Click here for help signing up. Already have an account? Great! There is A LOT to explore inside of Lightgliders so here are some helpful tips for where to start: Watch the how-to-play video below! It is narrated by Gliddles, who are fun characters that your kids will...
  • What devices can Lightgliders be played on?

    Lightgliders can be played on a variety of devices including computers, tablets, and smartphones! • Smartphones + Tablets: Download the mobile app (links below) • Computers + Laptops + Chromebooks: Login via our website at Full list of device requirements and download lin...
  • Is Lightgliders multiplayer? What is Lightglider Academy?

    Is Lightglider Academy multiplayer? Yes! A subscription to Lightgliders includes access to Lightglider Academy, our multiplayer online game and community. Each time you login, you'll automatically start in Lightglider Academy and can begin exploring right away! Or, use the side-bar menu to nav...
  • What is a moderator? Why are there different colored name tags?

    Lightglider Academy is an amazing online gameworld and community, one that brings hope and encouragement to kids across the world! We also recognize the immense need to keep this gameworld safe for everyone. To do so, we have strict safe chat protocols and utilize in-game moderator players to mon...
  • Does Lightgliders have chat? How do I know my kids will be safe?

    Lightgliders Safe Chat Feature We take necessary precautions to make Lightgliders safe (and fun) for kids. To do this, Lightgliders does not allow "open" chat. Instead, we utilize a heavily monitored safe chat system, which only allows for the use of carefully curated pre-approved words and phra...
  • Can I turn the chat feature off?

    Yes! You have control over your child's social experience in Lightglider Academy! Lightgliders has one of the safest chat features in the kids' games space! However, we know that while some of you feel your kids are ready for safe chat experiences, others are not yet. That is why we want you to ...
  • Is there a way to find specific types of content or activities? (Content Color Guide)

    In Lightgliders, everything is color-coded! Here is a quick guide to understanding what types of content each color signifies. Color Content Guide Light Blue = Themes — The weekly theme, Scripture verse, and lesson. Red = Messages — In-game announcements, updates, game tips, and more! Green = S...
  • What is a mystery code? How do I get/redeem a mystery code?

    What is a mystery code? Mystery codes can be redeemed for prizes like unique outfits, hats, gliders, and more for your character, or they can contain gold and other prizes! How do I get a mystery code? They are handed out in the game by moderators and are also sent out with the weekly parent ema...
  • What are boosts? How do I get/share them?

    What are boosts? Boosts are powerups you can grow in your Treehouse and give to other Lightgliders! How do I get boosts? As you advance in the game and level up your light bar, you’ll be able to upgrade more decks in your Treehouse to grow more boosts! Simply visit your treehouse and click o...